B&M For Sale-And I'm Scared

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Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
I guess it's inevitable that all good things come to change. My favorite B&M is for sale and has a potential buyer who knows nothing about pipes or pipe tobacco. I have no idea about their plans but it does not bode well for the regulars or those who work there part time.

If you know anyone who might be interested in a nice little business in Eastern Pennsylvania with a loyal following let me know so I can pass it on to the current owner. PM's are probably the proper way to go about this.



Feb 21, 2013
I think one good method would be to contact owners and managers of B&M retail stores, beginning with

the next closest and working out. These are the people most likely to be in touch with interested potential

buyers, and most saavy in referring people who would have a chance at making it go. Probably retailers out

of immediate range of competing with "your" store.



Sep 23, 2012
A lot of the old ones are passing aways, had 2 do that here in wilmington de.

They come and go , there"s a end to everything. :puffy:



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
If I was a bit younger I'd buy just to have a clubhouse. Run it for cash. But I'm past that now. The owner, who is a wonderful guy, has put some feelers out but there is a sense of dread among we regulars.



Jun 23, 2013
The Hills of Tennessee
That really sucks! Unfortunately, I'm in a similar boat. Melvin, the owner of my local B&M, has been talking about retiring for about a year now. I don't know what I'll do when he closes the doors.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 27, 2013
I do hope this works out well for you, my B&M was just recently sold, and at first I thought he was a cigar smoker so I was dreading meeting him, then when I did I found out he was a pipe smoker and a really nice guy, so I guess I got lucky on that one.




Aug 3, 2013
SF Bay Area
I've seen too many of what used to be great B&Ms go by the wayside for one reason or another ... the laws in PA are less onerous than those here in CA so there might be a fighting chance that this store will survive ... were it in my neighborhood, not so much ... of all the stores I've patronized in these parts, only one has sold to a new owner who actually ran it as what it was and even then, it lost a lot of it's old ambiance ...
I hope things turn out well for you ... I've got a number of friends in your neck of the woods and have enjoyed the visits I've paid there ... perhaps, if I find my way back there again one of these days, we'll meet at the Wooden Match ... I've threatened to make it to the monthly meeting there and hope one of these days to actually do so ...



Dec 30, 2012
If I had the money, I would seriously consider it right now. I'm looking for a career change and possibly a change of scenery. Unfortunately family matters would have to keep me in Ontario for the foreseeable future. One day maybe.



Feb 21, 2013
My local independent sold me some of the first pipes I ever bought. He's aging out, but seems to want to

stay for some more years. I go there to buy something, even if it's just pipe cleaners. I have enough pipes now,

that I almost always have to go online or to a pipe show to find anything different enough to want to add to the

stable. His son is a talented teacher, and doesn't smoke a pipe a lot, so isn't likely to want to take over. It's a

great old place, plank floors, walk-in humidor, with a good array of pipes and a selection of tins and bulk tobacco.

The neighborhood is gentrifying; I'm hoping that will bring in customers with credit cards. You don't see many

young people going into tobacco pipe retail. That's the usual aspect of smokingpipes.com, a lot of younger folks

with online skills, knowhow, and energy.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 2, 2013
@petes03 I agree. I always look forward to going to Wiliam's when I am in Cleveland. The only other shop that I go to is Gatlin-Burlier and that is only once a year or so.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 3, 2013
Wow, at 23 years old I would love to own my own B&M shop. But, I would be terrified to open one here in my hometown. It's a small city and there is already one B&M that never seems to be booming. Oh well.. too far from Pennsylvania for this one. Any for sale in Georgia? :D



Mar 19, 2013
Secretly I think all of us would like to own a B&M. I know I would - then I could smoke a pipe all day, shoot the shit with crotchity old men, and welcome youngsters to the hobby.
Oh wait, I live in Washington - you can't smoke within 25 feet of a business, I live in the highest taxed county in the state, and a where I'd like it (in my grandparents old house) it's close to a high school, so there would be protest marches about corrupting the children. There goes the dream . . .



Oct 8, 2012
Perhaps Kevin might be interested. He might have the money or might know of other associates or friends that would be interested. Perhaps some forum members living close by could donate their time and knowledge for a day or so to help cut labor costs.

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