Awesome Antique Score (Again)

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 2, 2013
I always get pretty lucky when I go to the antique show every month. It's the most exciting part of my month searching for this kind of stuff. My girlfriend spotted a a small "razobrite bath" thing she wanted me to get earlier in the day but it was priced $45 and came with a cheap Gillette Tech. I passed on that due to the price but this one was marked $20 and he wouldn't budge! I really didn't care for it much but my gf did and if she likes something that goes with my razors than I better jump on it! :rofl: I had this pipe in my hand already because I liked the odd panel shape, I've never seen a panel shaped in this direction, it's usually a square and this is more diamond if you see what I mean. So I said, how about both of these for $20? He agreed because "that pipe doesn't mean much to me anyways". So I got home and did some research and turns out this is a Linkmans Dr. Grabow from 1940-1943!! I'm sure you here can shed more light on it for me but man is this thing cool!!! Check out that stinger! I'm not sure but I think it may be the stinger they made to be a type of "pipe knife" to scrape the bowl out. Am I right? I have some tobacco sitting out now so I can see how she smokes.



Jul 29, 2014
NW Missouri
That is a great early Grabow. Early-to-mid-20th century American panel pipes are some of my favorites. I think that is the first stinger design used on Grabows. They called it an "ash stirrer" stinger, if I am remembering correctly.



Feb 21, 2013
What a nifty find. I think success comes with visiting selected places that have had pipes in the past, on a regular basis. Since I don't, I don't find much, but it is always interesting to look. I've found pipes, but obviously the leavings.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
envy. Mostly envy because I have no idea where I could go locally to hunt for pipe treasure. I'll find some places, eventually.

I bet that smokes just fine! Cool find!



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 12, 2013
Very nice! I love seeing different variations of stingers on pipes. And on this one, it just makes it that much more unique.



Oct 6, 2009
That looks to be even earlier than the 1940's.I'd say early to mid 1930's.This style of stinger was introduced in 1931-32 and only on the Dr. Grabow( IIRC),which was just one of many lines Linkman was making at the time. Does the shank have threads cut directly into the wood? That style of stinger ( cleaner- to Grabow guys) was designed to serve two purposes. One as as trap to stop condensation from reaching the stem and also could be used to clean out the blow. These pipes are quite rare. In the 8 years or so that I have been collecting Grabow I've only managed to obtain 3-4 with this stinger style. What other stampings are on the shank?



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 2, 2013
I am very sorry about the late response. I have been working extra shifts to cover since we lost two guys in the same week!
Thank you so much for the quick responses however, it is so cool to totally understand what I found!
All of the stamping so on the pipe are as follows:
LINKMAN'S (block letters TOP) Dr Grabow (script BOTTOM)
21 --MLC ( in circle top) ITALIAN BRIAR (block letters BOTTOM)
Thank you so much once again, I found a few more scores last weekend I am about to post as well! :mrgreen:

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