It's enough anguish to review what's available and simply buy a pipe without engaging in a contest
to do it -- that's just one point of view. I think the bidding game is invigorating and fun up to a point,
and the thrill of landing a coveted pipe at an unusually good price is a real buzz. However, I know I'd
get too hung up on the process, following the bidding every few hours, and tracking the bidding down
to the last seconds. I suspect the people who really enjoy auctions are those who invest enough emotionally
to really get a high when winning, but inevitably feel worse when they miss an item. So the pleasure depends
on the vulnerability of getting hurt. Jeeze, sounds like love. Sorry to get psychological about it. If you can
bid well and win now and then, and not take it too seriously, and not spend most of the day on it, I say,
go for it. Some Forums members buy some real treasures at auction.