I've actually thought about for a while to get a post going of our collective wisdom for persons who are entering the world of pipe smoking. I think it's a great post you have here. I, if I may, would like to add my two cents.
To those just picking the hobby/lifestyle/activity up my best piece of advice would be, dont get disugared by what others tell you. If you are enjoying what you are doing, then don't even sweat it, and if you're learning from it, even better. The first time I picked up pipe, after a few months (whilst in the Army) I had a "mentor" who, while a great guy and definitely ment well, and was the only other pipe smoker I knew, often would discourage me and tell me I was smoking "crap" tobacco, or that my cadence was too fast and that my packing technique was all wrong and numbers of other things. And during that time while I did enjoy the pipe, I often would abandon it for cigars and cigarettes, because deep down I felt like I would never be able to get it down "right". So to me, especially in this day and age I feel like pipe smoking is an individual journey. One has to forge their own path. So while everyone here on this forum and many other pipe smokers you meet will offer the wisdom and things they have learned, you will only truly get it and understand for yourself when you forge your own path.
Make mistakes, get tounge bite so bad that it seems unworth it. Relight a thousand times. Smoke crap tobacco. It doesnt matter, just learn and add it to the mental bank. But preservation is key. Then one day you will be sitting on your back porch, sipping your favorite beverage and it will all finally click. You will pack perfectly, your tobacco will be the perfect moisture, your cadence will be spot on, the blend will be perfect for the mood. Then the planets will align and you will have an hour or two of perfect zen. The perfect bowl. And the years of struggle will all make sense. You will gain an insight that no one else can show or teach you. It will all be worth it.