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Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 23, 2013
Wilson - Did you notice a strange taste with the first couple of bowls? I thought whatever they used to pre-carbon the bowl tasted rather sour and offensive, I scraped most of it out.. Did you have a similar experience?



Mar 3, 2014
@eastwoodaudio I have the same Hilson, and found the first smokes pretty offensive in the second half. I went back and did a few half bowls of strong tasting stuff (G&H Dark flake and Kendal Kentucky), and that straightened it out. I really enjoy that pipe for quick smokes, and yeah it smokes to the bottom pretty easily unless the tobacco is pretty wet.
So far, I find my falcons to be the very easiest to smoke until nothing but ash remains regardless of how dry the tobacco is. Both my falcon bowls have a definite taper to them.

Mar 5, 2014
I agree! I don’t waste my dottle. I carefully scrape off the ashes and then empty the dottle into a jar and let it dry a bit. Over the period of a few weeks you can have an once or so of perfectly good smoking tobacco. I do add a bit of fresh tobacco and mix it up and this blend smokes just fine...and it does save money!

I hate that the "goodie two shoes" in this great country of ours that go to such extremes as to want to prevent us pipe smokers from enjoying our hobby and relaxation therapy. I think that the "tobacco Nazi groups" need to look hard at their own lives and look elsewhere for deep pockets to fund their useless endeavors. We pay enough taxes here in the lower 48 and I can only imagine what you folks are up against there in Canada. Here in the U.S. alcoholism, obesity, and prescription drug abuse are far more serious problems in that need immediate attention! Perhaps they could turn their attention to those issues and leave us peace loving and gentle pipe smokers the hell alone!




Feb 9, 2014
I save up my dottle for my trips to Canada. Trade it for .22 long rifle ammo.
(Serious -- In Timmins and in Sudbury, they didn't even know there was a shortage down here! I never ran out of 9 or 40 or 22. I brought it home with me, every trip.)



Feb 13, 2013
I agree! I don’t waste my dottle. I carefully scrape off the ashes and then empty the dottle into a jar and let it dry a bit. Over the period of a few weeks you can have an once or so of perfectly good smoking tobacco. I do add a bit of fresh tobacco and mix it up and this blend smokes just fine...and it does save money!

You would of done well living in a Gulag. I may have a jar full of cohiba esplandido's (55$ a piece) when I'm done smoking them, as well as monte cristo #4's. I'd store them seperate even in a mason jar and start aging them for you. You could add them to blends and claim you have the honor of smoking a blend with real cuban tobacco as it's cigar leaf.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 12, 2014
go to any section 8 aptment complex here in the states and youd get a full mason jar of cig tobacco in about a day. maybe two if you were picky. i used to work near one and i swear the maintenance guys could collect a garbage bag of butts in one go around.



Mar 19, 2013
These problems will all be resolved as soon as we complete the annexation of our 51st state.
In the not to distant past, BC was actually talking about joining Washington state. Our taxes scared them away.



Feb 21, 2013
Seems like Savenelli briars and MM cobs are especially efficient at burning up the entire bowl

of tobacco, with good flavor, and leaving little or no leaf. I get good results with some other

pipes, but those brands seem especially good in this regard. Scoop out the bowl, and the leaf

is gone!

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