Athletes or Occasional Gym warriors who smoke

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May 11, 2013
Greta and I both workout 30 days a month- for me that's usually 2 days paddling my surfski, two days on my road bike, and 3 days in a gym. I smoke about 4 bowls week- I don't ride the road bike the day after I smoke- my average speed will drop from 19mph to about 17 when I've smoked the night before...



Feb 28, 2014
I have been athletic my whole life. I grew up playing the usual sports, but basketball was where i put most of my time. Throughout college i played intramural sports for my fraternity. I was a gym rat and worked in a gym for 4 years while in college as well as being a personal trainer for over a year. I've always been into fitness, health and wellness, but have also always lived by the word "moderation". I don't think twice about smoking a pipe (2 to 3 bowls a day, sometimes less) or drinking on the weekends (even the occasional weekday wine or beer/whiskey) or having the occasional unhealthy fast food meal. I also grew up and have always lived near the ocean. I bodyboarded when i was young and then made the transition to surfing around 14 or 15 and have been doing that for 15+ years now. I also wakeboard and skateboard(longboard).
I currently and for the past 5 or so years train martial arts, specifically Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, and some MMA to help the guys on our fight team prepare for an upcoming event. I also teach both BJJ and Muay Thai as well and the martial arts take up a large portion of my life outside of work. I like it that way and wouldn't trade any of my training for the world. My pipe smoking doesn't really affect anything and doesn't hinder me in my performance of said martial arts. I have competed in both BJJ and Muay Thai as well and continued with my normal moderate pipe smoking and drinking routine.
Like many have said before, while not good for you, pipe smoking is sure a hell of a lot better than cigs. But shit, even those are a crap shoot. Everyone knows or knows of someone who has smoked cigs their whole life and dies of natural causes at a ripe old age, as well as the guy who never touched a tobacco product or alcohol and dies of cancer wayyyy too young. I don't live my life thinking about dying and listening to the media's propaganda-riddled bullshit regarding smoking.
Tobacco is a big business...The American Cancer Society/Healthcare Industry as a whole is a MUCH bigger business. Do the math and use your own judgement and common sense.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I used to box Golden Gloves back in high school and college, and I played soccer for my college, back before the big soccer craze hit. I smoked cigarettes all through that without much affect, but I was young and stupid. I ran every day up until I broke my hip 10 years ago in a mountain biking accident, and now I just ride my bike a few times a week and walk every evening. I also do yoga every morning, a great way to get the blood going. I smoke more than just a few pipes a week though. But, after quitting cigs for the pipe, I have much more lung capacity, much. However, with years of smoking, the nicotine has reduced the density of my bones by blocking the calcium. I am old though, and beyond the normal aches and pains of age, my bones ache and arthritis is just around the corner.
All of that said, I am looking forward to getting one of those electric chairs. I want to pimp mine out with a pipe rest, coffee warmer, and bitch seat. :puffy:



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 8, 2012
I don't know how smoking could NOT have a detrimental effect on one's physical performance. That said, I go to the gym 3 times a week and usually have at least one weekend day of strenuous activity, like backcountry skiing or hiking. I have found that for me, one bowl a week seems alright- but if I smoke more than that, I get that wonderful feeling halfway up the skin track like I had McDonald's for breakfast. It seems obvious that NOT inhaling is key for keeping your cardiovascular performance up if you enjoy the occasional pipe.



Might Stick Around
Feb 17, 2014
When not travelling for work I do three very intense circuit training classes in the local park, including in the summer when it can be 45C with 90% humidity.
I don't notice a huge difference if I have been smoking a pipe a fair bit that week, though my performance is always better during periods of complete abstinence.
I do the classes to keep fit in general, rather than with a specific goal in mind and the heavy cardio-vascular side of the exercise we do must be a good thing.
If I've smoked cigarettes for whatever reason, I can feel it instantly. Same if I've been drinking the night before.
In some ways the classes can be counter-productive - I might start one whilst slightly hungover, thinking I'll get an early night, but after an hour's sweating I feel so good I'm ready to hit the pipe and whisky again!

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