joshwolftree, boy, that brings back bad memories. I too have been burglarized for a big haul of the
usual kinds of items. It made me so wary, that now I hide a few of my "better pipes" -- though I
love 'em all -- when I go off, even for the weekend, the ones I don't take with me. How ripping sad
that's how we have to live. The crew that hit me got my late wife's engagement and wedding rings,
dumped out of the jewelry box into a duffle of mine. I'm sure they unloaded it in a hurry for a penny
on the dollar. I don't think most human beings could feel crappy enough to atone for that kind of
thing. Sadly, I think they come away from it, even after doing time, feeling crafty and a little smarter
than others. Something wrong with the way the brain is wired in these people, besides being their
own miserable faults. Hope you get some (or all!) of it back. But it is terrific they didn't get the pipes.
I think pipes are odd enough items they might get picked up on ebay or by a few pipe sites that sell
estate pipes, so the perps were lucky (probably not smart) not to try to sell them. The black market
buyers don't smoke much tobacco in pipes I don't think. They smoke, but not tobacco.