I always buy myself something special for my birthday and I'm glad to see somebody else out there doing the same.
Happy Birthday, Al, and many, many happy returns of the day. It's a beautiful pipe and you have excellent taste.
The white Ashton bag I bought on Ebay showed up today. I snapped a pix of it and both of my Ashton Rhodesians, a Taylor and Craig. Interestingly, both are stamped XX, but the Pebble Grain pipe is slightly longer tan the Sovereign. Hopefully the Sovereign bag also shows up from Italy, then I'll have a bag for each pipe.
Uh, that covered up the bag stamping, a better one...
I've enjoyed my Sovereign so much, I added another Jimmy Craig. This one is a chubby, full-bent in Claret stained, blasted finish and LX size. It is just lightly larger than my XX and perfect for my travel bag. The shape and tapered stem sold me on this one. It also smokes wonderfully and despite being near Oom-Paul shaped, takes a cleaner. I'm very impressed with this one as well.
I'm done acquiring pipes for the remainder of the year, someone remind me about this in a few months.....
Al, she is a beauty. I love the claret finish. Looks like another awesome smoker. Congrats on your latest PAD acquisition. Yeah right you are done for the year, I think not. Maybe after a few more you will be done for the year. :rofl: