Ash Dumping Question

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 5, 2021
Title edited for caps and brevity. Could you please add location?

Things get a bit awkward for me when I get midway through a pipe smoking event.
I usually dump the top ash, (usually re-light very rarely) and tamp as if it was a new fill. I find it's less willing to stay lit without focused cadence, whereas it is less necessary on the first half. It just seems to need more attention on the second half is all, more focus.

I never dry out my blends and keep them at 70/70. I pack as-normal: loose-to top, press down to 1/3rd up, loose-to top, press down to 2/3rds up, loose-to top, press down to just under completely full. I then light and tamp 3x. Normal method (I've been known to give a 4th bonus lighting/tamping depending on the wetness).

Normal smoking, breathing method. I usually never have to relight ever, but often the 2nd half is fussy and an occasional "stoke" is necessary. Once in a great while, I have to relight and tamp on the 2nd half.

So the QUESTION is, do experts dump the ash 1/2 way through, or tamp it down? I rarely use the tamper after the first lighting session.
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Sep 17, 2023
As opposed to dumping I do find that on occasions where I didnt tamp often enough that it helps to take the pick part of the pipe tool and make one circle/stir around the outter edge. and then lightly compress it. It sends fresh tobacco in to the center. I usually dont dump the ash.


Sep 12, 2020
Spain - Europe
I don't usually throw the ash away, as I avoid burning the tobacco directly in another flame ignition. So, I would like to think that something similar is done as if you cook the tobacco, extracting the juice of those oils, which become a good aroma, something fresher, and not carbonized. But it is a personal opinion, maybe I am wrong, or not. For me, I do well, not to throw the ashes away. And if someone throws the ashes away, it may also work great for him. Another advantage of not throwing the ashes, is that you protect the (hornillo) oven, from a direct fire. That's my sensation. And of course this is no advice to anyone. It's all trial and error.
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Can't Leave
Dec 29, 2022
It all depends on how any relights are going. I will dump, tamp, run a cleaner up the stem, dig around, etc etc.

My dad always said: "Never hire a pipe smoker, they spend all their time fooling with their pipe and not enough time working."


Dec 3, 2021
Connecticut, USA
do experts dump the ash 1/2 way through, or tamp it down? I rarely use the tamper after the first lighting session.
Interesting question. With my Peterson Pub pipe (22.5mmx52.5mm chamber) I have noticed that I can tamp the ash for the first third but somewhere just above the draft hole I have to actually dump excess ash in order to maintain the airflow otherwise the pipe either goes out or it requires greater puffing and overheats. I notice this especially with the pub pipe as its a system pipe. I have found this pipe requires more 'maintenance' but its worth it. So short answer I do dump excess ash halfway down. I also do this with other large pipes. Now the Vauen Olaf bent egg 20mmx46mm chamber, I can often just load and go ... and smoke all the way to the bottom or if i want a faster smoke can dump the ash regularly.

With newer pipes I tend to smear the ash along the side walls with the spoon tool to aid in cake build up ... but only if I am bored.
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Mar 22, 2018
For me, it depends on the smoke. If I have packed too tight or over tamped during, I will let gravity dump some ashes about mid way. After that I usually scrape the sides and disturb the ash gently. Doing this and running a pipe cleaner through to the chamber to clean out the hole will usually work.
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Feb 26, 2024
Los Angeles
I never dry my tobacco and I don’t think too hard about packing. I just check the draw and that’s it. That’s worked for all methods and cuts except fold and stuff, which I haven’t done enough to master yet.

Usually, I only need to relight when I get to the bottom third of the bowl, any more than that and I figure the tobacco is moist, which isn’t exactly a problem in my mind. All that being said, I always dump the ash when I relight the last third. Lighting the ash just tastes bitter and acrid to me.


Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 30, 2024
Bayfield, WI
I'd say I'm too new to really have awesome advice, but in the interests of answering the poll/question: when the whim strikes me or things start to taste more like a burning pile of leaves than tobacco anymore (generally around halfway) I tip mine over and let what falls out go without any additional tapping or messing around. Then tamp and proceed as need be.
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May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
"So the QUESTION is, do experts dump the ash 1/2 way through, or tamp it down? I rarely use the tamper after the first lighting session."

Sometimes flick the ash out if it's loose. But no set routine. I do tamp several times throughout both when ember is going and before or just after a relight.
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