Greetings all,
Being a former tobacco shop owner (Village Smoke Shop, Scottsdale, AZ - closed it in '05 after a 10 year run), I can tell you that complaints from anti's were constant. Smoke odors, whether real or imaginary, were always a problem. In this day and age, shops located in a strip malls, with adjoining walls, are becoming a thing of the past, just like tobacco shops in enclosed shopping malls. All gone.
Landlords will not renew leases, or rent to you in the first place. I've thought of opening another store here in CO, but every landlord I've talked to will not lease to any tobacco business that allows smoking on THEIR premises.
A stand-alone building is the ONLY (albeit expensive) option now. I'm afraid the folks at the Bull & Bear are ultimately going to have to move to their own, separate building. Examples are McCranie's, Iwan Reis, and Stag Tobacconist here in CO Springs. All OWN stand-alone structures, and receive zero complaints from anyone. They OWN their buildings, with controlled overhead costs, no yearly rent increases, and best of all, no eviction threats.
The tobacco business is difficult, with so many enemies coming at you from every direction. From the government trying to regulate and tax you out of existence, landlords trying to evict you, to passerby's complaining about the smell. It's really a shame that it's come to this, but such is the world today.
I miss the business very much, but I don't miss the harassment and headaches.
Where there's a will, there's a way. I wish the Bull & Bear good luck. I feel your pain.