Carl Avery Werner’s Tobaccoland (1922) is an often cited book from about a century ago. Chapter 38 deals with artificially coloring a meerschaum pipe stummel. I have not attempted to use this technique, almost certain will not ever do so and do not recommend it. I am reporting this merely as a matter of interest. Werner recommended that the meerschaum stummel with stem and fixtures removed be thoroughly cleaned with alcohol and chicken feathers. Then it is baked in an oven (no duration given) at 130 to 140̊ (doesn’t state whether Fahrenheit or Celsius). Then all scratches are to be removed with linseed oil and No. 0 pumice stone. The analine dye, ox blood or Soudan brown is mixed with linseed oil into a paste, rubbed carefully over the exterior of the meerschaum, evenly distributed. This is burned in with an alcohol lamp and polished with lightly rottenstone and water applied with flannel cloth.
Edited by jvnshr: Title capitalization.
Edited by jvnshr: Title capitalization.