I would definitely not recommend Ennerdale as a foray into Lakeland blends. It's far too strong. When I tried it I was strictly smoking aromatics and I couldn't even make it through half a bowl of Ennerdale. It was just overwhelming with the terrible old lady perfume and soap flavors. I felt like my mother had just heard me swear and shoved a bar of Irish Spring soap in my mouth. Not to mention the fact that less than half a bowl of it ghosted my pipe really bad.
As for what I would recommend:
Lane Limited: 1Q, RLP6, BCA, Very Cherry
C&D: Autumn Evening, Monster Mixture
Peterson: Connoisseur's Choice, Nutty Cut
Country Squire (a tobacco shop): Lancaster, White Rose, Figgy Pudding
Straus (a tobacco shop): Sleepy Hollow, Wenceslas
Cult: Blood Red Moon
Planta: Anno MMX (After Dinner)
Sutliff: Z50 Black Cordial, Christmas Spice, Pumpkin Spice
If you're looking for an aromatic that would be good to get you into Virginias then give Pete Stokkebye's Luxury Twist Flake or GL Pease's Virginia Cream.
I will say, from my personal experience aromatics were good to learn a cadence. Once you get a good cadence down and don't get tongue bite then try out some Virginia, VaPers, English, Balkan blends that aren't cased/topped. After that then come back to the aromatics and it'll be a completely different experience. You'll pull out the leaf flavors better and it'll make for more interesting smokes.