First things first, it's somewhat agreed upon (everyone has their own opinion, but if you ask enough pipe smokers you'll tend to hear this more often than not) that bigger bowl chambers are better for English/Oriental and Aromatic blends and smaller bowl chambers are better for Virginias and VaPers (Virginia/Perique). The theory is that Aromatics and English/Orientals have more vivid flavors that open up more with a bigger bowl chamber whereas Virginia and VaPer blends tend to be less complex and therefore "shine" in a smaller bowl chamber. Now this, like all things pipe smoking, is subjective. I would advise starting with this rule and branching out from it. Try a Virginia in a bigger bowl, try an English in a smaller bowl and see how your palate reacts to it.
I've branched out into Virgnias and VaPers, but I still enjoy Aromatics a lot. I personally think Aros are a good start for a newbie, because you'll scorch your tongue at first, but with practice and experience you can eliminate that tongue bite and if you can do that with an Aromatic you should have a solid cadence going for all blend types. For me I learned my cadence by pairing a bowl of an Aro with a caffeinated beverage. Those tend to make it obvious your tongue is scorched which means you need to slow your cadence down and need to "sip" on the pipe more.
A lot of Gawaith blends, especially their aromatics, contain "Lakeland essence" which is a "floral" aroma. It's quite different and I would suggest trying those in a cheap corn cob so you don't ghost your briar. Lakeland blends are definitely an acquired taste.
As far as blends go I love Lane's 1Q, it's my go to. Lane's BCA and RLP-6 are other solid Aros by Lane. Cult Blood Red Moon is a great cherry flavored aromatic. Mac Baren's 7 Seas line is definitely one to check out along with their Vanilla Cream. I prefer the flake version of it, to me the tobacco and top dressing flavors are more pronounced in that version compared to the ribbon version. Cornell and Diehl's Autumn Evening is another great aromatic. I'd would also suggest trying out McClelland's Premmium Aromatics line, those are some solid Aromatics.
The most important things when getting into the pipe world is to know that relights aren't a bad thing, be patient, and find what works for you personally.