Lane RLP-6 has a very nice aroma and doesn't taste too much like an aro. Not sure on the nic hit you're looking for though.
Best advice in this thread @Olkofri, oh wise and benevolent sage! :worship: Wait....I don't have a wife to appease anymore. :D Still great advice though.One thing you could do is to turn an issue of contention into a matter of contentment: make her part of the hunt for the ideal blend. Bring her along to the tobacconist and let her smell the blends available, even let her choose one for you (hard to complain about something one chose oneself, eh?). Yes, you're likely to hate the taste of some of the choices, but so what? Because we don't have your tongue or her nose, we can't really help you much; this is a hunt you must embark on yourself and it'd be positive to include her in the selection process: if she sees that you're taking pains to please her she's more likely to be more sympathetic and less critical, and even tolerate the occasional campfire stench of some English blends.