Just noticed this thread. Here's my FWIW...
Tire kickers will indeed drive you crazy with ongoing requests and questions. This is why I usually adopt the "maximum info" approach of just going ahead and making a catalog page for a pipe and that puts all the needed info on one page to head off any back-and-forth, back-and-forth. I can tell you that on the biz side of things, it takes me an average of about 10-15 minutes to take a set of photos and crop & prep them, and another 10 minutes maybe to do all the measuring, fill in the catalog page with the pics and notes, and make a Paypal button for it. In 20-ish minutes of time, I have a page that will:
* provide all the measurements
* provide an instant purchase button
* allow for payments plans through Paypal if desired
* provide at least 5 or more multi-angle photos of the pipe, plus a text description
Now, I've been doing this myself for 16 years so I'm probably a little faster than some. Also, I already have enough traffic and name-recognition that I can sell well through my own site direct, so there's not a lot of impetus for me to take a big price hit to sell to retailers.
This is the time & money background to this sort of decision. In my case, I was probably going to sell the pipe direct anyway, so there's no problem in quickly smacking together a catalog page for one if someone asks. In the case of someone new, it's trickier. I was just talking to a new-ish guy recently about the issue some new guys have, which is that if they do all their sales as commissions, nobody ever sees their work for sale and they don't build name recognition. This runs the risk that once that set of commission buyers dries up, gets bored, moves on, or whatever, new guy is left as Unknown Pipemaker with no sales.
If he's got a definite sale to SP, it's money in his pocket plus recognition. *Any* time he spends taking pics or swapping emails on it is just unpaid extra working time, unless he has a very good sense that the potential buyer is serious and for real (most aren't). So basically, if I were new guy, this is how I'd make my decision. If I know the guy who's inquiring and he's bought from me before and I know he's a good customer, heck yes, take the pics and send them to him. If I don't know the person who's inquiring, I'd be leery, and extra leery if he gives off the vibes of someone who's going to write back again asking for more pics from different angles, or more dimensions, or if I can change the stem from cumberland to black, or, well, on and on. In that case, *any* time I spent with him is likely to be wasted time and it's better to just pocket the cash from SP and get back into the workshop making something else. Anytime a pipemaker is not making sawdust, he's losing money. The more time he spends swapping emails, doing office work, handling pics, etc, the more his hourly wage is falling for that month.
So, maybe that helps provide some possible explanation.