If you used Briar Wipe in years past, were pleased with it, and regret that it has disappeared from retail shelves, then, unless you were under the delusion that the Briar Wipe you miss so much was some kind of eco friendly, organic magic that came in an aerosol (!) can, you are likely just as safe using Favor.
The original Briar Wipe was ubiquitous in it's presence at pipe shows in years past and safely used by most if not all collectors of fine briar pipes.
And Everclear works great for me for cleaning shanks and the insides of Vulcanite stems. And I have for over 30 years used a 50/50 mix of 190 proof drugstore alcohol and Acetone to clean the inside of Lucite stems, as advised by a Smoker's Haven employee from back in the day when they sold those clear Perspex stem GBD's that gunked up in a heartbeat. My doctor says it is important to stay hydrated with all the medicine I have to take, so I drink a lot of hot water - first filtered through coffee grounds- while smoking a pipe.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it, but pipe smokers love to experiment. By all means, try hot water to clean your pipes. Heck, try lukewarm Budweiser.
BUT, the thread was about Briar Wipe, and while I could not remember the name of the equivalent that the original "inventor" ripped off, Favor is likely it. And Briar Wipe did, and does, have a lemon scent. I found a partial can of the original Ruth Industries version last year and have been using it for months. The scent mostly disappears from the Handi Wipe after a while. Which, by the way, is how you use it. You don't spray it directly on the pipe.