What I don't know how to do, is imbed a video into a post.
...took me a minnit to figure it all out too,
but it turns out to be really easy, on this forum
allya gotta do is type in the vid addy & it pops up...
...like for this video, which is the Dutch comedian Kees van Kooten as his character E. Oosting,
I typed in
www (dot) youtube (dot) com (slash) watch?v=pQVoRPUvhYU#t=78
Also, I very much dig
imgur, to add my refrain to the chorus.
But, it quickly reaches max limit and requires an annual payment to go further, but the interface is great, especially for posting on forums...
...but the thing here on PM.com is damn good to, and it's free, you have to click "your profile" on the homepage because somehow the user profile is different from the forums, but it's really easy to use as sablebrush said, here's an image from my PM.com gallery...