What, this load of guano yet again? With all due respect, Maxim is full of it. And if Capstan, Bengal Slices, Warhorse, and the John Cottons are "fake tobaccos", than so are the Comptons blends. Such as shame, I like the Comption's blends.
What's iritating about this ignorant screed is that it's well known and well documented how much dilligence SToP went through to bring back their initial releases, the Cottons, Bengal Slices, and Warhorse. So your "facts" are opinion and nothing more. BTW, how much effort went into the Comptons? Recipes are nice, but not nearly enough. More on that below.
As for Capstan, having smoked Capstan from the 1930's,'40's, 50's and so on, I can say that the present product is spot on. Having smoked a crapload of Balkan Sobranie back when Sobranie made it, and having smoked the present version, it's clear that having the recipe (which must have been left out in the rain so the ink smeared), the skillset and the water didn't help. The result is a misfire. Go buy WhiteKnight. It's not perfect, but it's closer in flavor.
See, not only equipment and water changes (the skillset claim being debatable) but so do tobacco crops, soil, weather, topping ingredients, and pretty much everything else. Let production of any blend lapse for a few years and it's a reintroduction and "fake tobacco" as well. Stupid.
It takes a palate.
Let me repeat this.
It takes a palate.
Let me repeat this again for the slow learners. Watch me say it and follow along.
That's the fact. You want to know the ESSENTIAL element for recreating a blend? A palate.
WhiteKnight doesn't have the formula, the water, or any of that other crap. Unlike the Sobranie of old, it doesn't burn to a fine white ash because it's a different formula based on currently available materials. What it HAS is the flavor, or close to it. Why the hell else would I smoke anything but for the flavor? Why would you? The tin? Tins don't smoke well.
BTW, I smoked the SToP Bengal Slices against the old product and it seems spot on, as much as one can tell against a 30 year old sample, since tobaccos change constantly as they age and Latakia croaks out. Our pipe club did comparison, including the gentleman who provided the samples, and all agreed that it was a good match.
Russ is special. Russ has that palate. Very, very few do.
About the newer SToP releases, I can't say. I haven't tried them.
So I can't say that I think the article was on the money. More like it isn't worth a cent.