Cool story about Guam... I used to have a roommate in college, still best friends, that I was absolutely positive was a chronic liar. He had told stories about living on an island, his dad being on the last helicopter at the fall of Saigon, his dad collected antique cars, his mom collected fire trucks, and his family was best friends with Frank Zappa, and tons of other stories. Until, I went to visit them, and collecting cars and fire trucks, we are talking about wooden framed cars and fire trucks that ran on rails, all in their own buildings with museum quality monitoring, pictures of him setting of Frank Zappa's lap, and climbing coconut trees. But anyways... his dad was stationed on Guam with the USAF, he was a major at the time, and he found a stack of boxes rotting on the beach. He opened them up and found that each box had a dissassembled Morris Minor inside. He brought them to the US, and assembled a few of them to find Bakelite knobs, mother of pearl inlay, and motors with leather flap valves. He and I spent a summer putting one together and drove it around until we graduated. They weren't very fast, maybe top speed of 60 rolling downhill, but they were fun, and at the time top speed on the interstate was 55 anyways.
Apparently, on the islands Britain had sent Morris Minors to their military to use as transportation on military bases on the islands, but some islands were just not big enough to worry with assembling them, so many just rotted in their boxes.
Anyways, that's what I think of when I hear Guam... a summer of driving little bitty muppet sized cars, ha ha.