Nate, you always wear that hat when we go to bury the bodies. You should lighten up, find something more festive.
Actually, I haven't seen my reflection for about... ohhhh... 125 years now. ::
Alright! I went and looked in the mirror. As usual only my underwear show up, no image of my handsome countenance is reflected back from the mirror. I've never had a mirror which works. I've looked but, nothing in the stores work either. No reflection in windows or doors. Is it me?
I can't say I've went to a mirror intentionally, but the few times I've seen myself with a pipe I always think "Man what a goofy looking bald guy with a pipe." As I'm goofy looking and bald without a pipe, this come as no surprise.
So what is at issue here, how we think we look with our pipes to ourselves? Or how we look to others? I would offer that how we think we look to ourselves is irrelevant and we are hopeless biased anyway, and how we look to others, you can pretty well assume that to another pipe smoker, you will look great, to a non-smoker, you could be Don Juan smoking a $2000 Tom Eltang and they would still think you sucked. ::
When I'm contemplating buying a pipe in the shop I often look in the mirror the tobacconist supplies. Any tobacconist worth is salt will provide a mirror. I tend to not care what I look like unless I'm dressed up and around others
I tried shaving without a mirror. That didn't work well. Tomorrow I might try brushing my teeth with a pipe in my mouth. This mirror thing is difficult.
About the only time I use a mirror for anything beyond shaving is to: set the angle of my hat (depending on style), and to check my "gig" line (a military habit, never lost).
Other than that I imagine that with my pipe, I look a bit like Bilbo...
I think I look like a pretentious douche, but who cares. I love my pipes and tobaccos, so to hell with it! I'll look douchey all day if I have to.
And that's douch-EE, not douch-AY