The key to enjoying the Captain is definitely to let the pouch dry.
It is unbearably difficult to smoke right out of the gates...
I'm afraid you expect too much from what is a simple OTC blend. Without all those preservatives you'd never find a fresh pouch. It is what it is, a sweet and mellow smoke for the masses. I used to like it but no it does not match up to all the acclaimed blends that are available today. In my opinion, however, it is better than some of the "high quality" aromatics I've tried from said acclaimed blending houses...
I don't think it is Budweiser hate, necessarily, so much as Budweiser apathy. It is "the" generic American lager and it has all the character of Wonderbread and Kraft cheese slices. (Or Captain Black) The simplified flavours of these mass produced goods has caused something of a backlash among those looking for more challenging tastes. There's no doubting that Budweiser and the rest are masterpieces of marketing/consistency/technical perfection, though...
I can take Budweiser, but I'd rather leave it. I just can't stand the AB-InBev megacorporation that brews it.