More likely scenario, based on actual monetary practices:Money issued without gold support is already s..t, because it allows the issuer of money to issue money without an economic activity that supports it and generates inflation.
Money can be created and money can be printed. Gold patrón avoid money printing.More likely scenario, based on actual monetary practices:
Money gets created, and the supply grown, to target areas in the economy that need a cash infusion to grow, or at least, not collapse, as well as fund massive infrastructure improvement or maintenance. The money gets spread around, you know, pay checks, spurring economic activity. Then the increased activity gets taxed, pulling money back out of the supply. The money supply varies, depending on the perceived need.
But, I like the idea of gold backed currencies, which are limited in supply and can't be adjusted. Panics and depressions are character building. The Great Depression was lollipops and sunshine.
The popular saying is that governments tax so that they can spend. Actually, governments spend so that they can tax.
Every software organization has test and production environments. At properly run companies, those are actually two separate environments.The underlying cause was facepalm bad. CrowdStrike pushed code running as a kernel level driver that wasn’t WHQL (Windows Hardware Quality Lab) tested and certified. Given the scope of the failure it’s hard to imagine what testing they (CrowdStrike) actually did.
“It ran on my machine and I tried it on Steve’s laptop. Ship it!”
Apparently the software has a staged rollout system which larger organizations can use - any major problems should be trapped at stage one, lesser at stage two before general distribution.The underlying cause was facepalm bad. CrowdStrike pushed code running as a kernel level driver that wasn’t WHQL (Windows Hardware Quality Lab) tested and certified. Given the scope of the failure it’s hard to imagine what testing they (CrowdStrike) actually did.
“It ran on my machine and I tried it on Steve’s laptop. Ship it!”
Yep. Dev/test and production should be kept separate to allow for rigorous testing without dire consequences when the inevitable happens. Making your clients part of the test team, so to speak, is bad form.Every software organization has test and production environments. At properly run companies, those are actually two separate environments.
If they don't, they're on their way to irrelevancy.The question is, will they learn from this?