Anyone Gonna Be Watching The Olympics?

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Dec 6, 2019
You only have 3 channels? Do you live in Soviet era Russia, or something📺😮

Or something.

I havent had a cable TV package my whole adult life. We have the rabbit ears antenna, and we pick up a public TV station with a few worthless channels.

Until 2019 we didnt even have internet on our phones, or really even enough reception to make a call.. life changed when they put up that cell tower, and not really for the better. Since then my wife and I walk around glued to the damned thing like everyone else.

To this day home internet is not available in my area. You'd have to go with Starlink or something like it.
Last edited:
Jun 9, 2018
Or something.

I havent had a cable TV package my whole adult life. We have the rabbit ears antenna, and we pick up a public TV station with a few worthless channels.

Until 2019 we didnt even have internet on our phones, or really even enough reception to make a call.. life changed when they put up that cell tower, and not really for the better. Since then my wife and I walk around glued to the damned thing like everyone else.

To this day home internet is not available in my area. You'd have to go with Starlink or something like it.
Trust me, you're not missing much. I've got 100's of channels and there's often fuck all I want to watch. Takes about 15 minutes just to flick through them all.

Bruce had it right, all them years ago.

Fifty-seven channels and nothin' on
So I bought a .44 magnum, it was solid steel cast
And in the blessed name of Elvis well I just let it blast
'Til my TV lay in pieces there at my feet


Staff member
May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
I just did some calculations, and I reckon I watch less than 1% of what's on offer.

But I still watch a ton, mostly on streaming services.

Here, for me, Network broadcasts are good for little except some American sports, and international do's, such as the Open, and upcoming Olympics.