I would classify myself as an extrovert. But not an overt extrovert. I enjoy people, enjoy watching them, talking to them, learning from them. I try not to intrude, however, or blow folks away, so to speak, with too much of me.
But, I do understand those who are unable to fit into that neat category of "always being on." It is difficult sometimes to handle the bs and abide the idiots, but for me, that is also part of life, part of the mystifying nature of what makes us all different.
I do enjoy "down" time, but I also enjoy being around folks, talking to them and interacting. It is not work for me. It is just something I do and enjoy.
I make speeches without notes, which is probably crazy, but it is a challenge for me. I don't get nervous without notes (not all the time, mind you, just some of the time when I really know the subject about which I'm about to impart).
Anyway, this is a good topic for pipe smokers, I think. Most of us are thinkers. I like to think of us as the "mind workers of the world." I wish I had made that up, but I didn't.