Keys to enjoyable smoking:
1. Clean pipe. Take your pipe apart and using paper towels, clean the tenon of the pipe stem. Roll a piece of paper towel into the shape of the tenon and clean the mortise hole. Repeat as many times as necessary - paper towel should come from the mortise hole clean.
Ream the bowl to ensure that the cake layer is even and that the walls of the inside of the bowl are vertical and the shape is not “funnel” like.
Use pipe cleaners and clean the stem till pipe cleaner comes out clean. Fold a pipe cleaner in half and clean t he draft hole in the pipe. A folded cleaner should go all the way through. Repeat as many times as necessary until the folded cleaner comes out clean without any traces of tar/juice. Note: depending on how much gunk there is in the draft hole, you may have to use a drill bit before the cleaners will get through – that is OK. Just make sure that you use the right size drill bit.... .
2. Draw: put a clean empty pipe in your mouth and draw air through it. In your mind, remember how it feels – this is the 100 % unrestricted draw. Once you fill your pipe, the draw should not be any less that 70 % of that feeling. Pack it too tight and you will not enjoy the smoke. Note: this is empirical, not an exact science.... .
3. Tamping – the idea of tamping is to bring to burning ambers closer to the unburned tobacco in the bowl, that’s it. Tamping should not change that feeling of 70 % free draw.
4. Tobacco – 17 years of McClelland tobacco smoking and I have yet to find one too moist! Dry the tobacco too much and you end up with something that smokes too hot, too fast and not enough flavor. McClelland tobaccos should be good just the way they are without any additional drying.
5. Speed of smoking – average size bowl (Dunhill group 4 for me) should last you about 45-60 minutes. Sip it, not gulp it. This is like a fine scotch, not a cold beer on a hot day.
6. Enjoy the experiments, this is how you learn and where the fun comes from.
Of all the tip you have/will get, the most important is the clean pipe bit