Pennsylvania is heaven on earth
A couple of years ago, I was sent to NYC to make some feature photos of a cop who had done some pretty outstanding things in his career. He was a tough guy, and not too conversational. Now, I like to get my subjects a little relaxed and chatting before I start making pictures, so I asked him where he lived, where he grew up etc etc, and he asks me, kind of retaliatory, where I lived. I told him Pennsylvania. He damn near melted right there "Oh, man, that's where I want to move. I want to retire there. I want to retire tomorrow and move to Pennsylvania!" Why?, I asked "There's too many cops here!" he said, "I want to move where they don't need cops and I can just walk in to a store and buy as many guns as I want to. And it's beautiful there, too. I want to move off in the woods outside Scranton."
Or, as a friend said to me on the drive back from New Jersey one day "Just get me back to a state that doesn't suck".