@johnnyreb. I don't mind telling.
I was still living with my parents at the time, in our old neighborhood, which was mostly family.
From time to time, we would have some bears hang around.
We'd been having several hanging around for about a week, 3 males and a big female with 2 cubs who had shown some aggression.
Well, we'd all been carrying our guns when we'd go outside, and the Game Wardens had been making patrols several times a day, as well as setting traps.
I said all that to say this, I had just walked behind my grandparents house one evening, and there he was.
It was one of the males at about 40ft from me with his head in a big bag of trash!
I froze, and started to back away as he still hadn't seen me yet.
About that time, he pulled his head out and stood on his hind legs looking in my direction.
I made some "go away" noises, but started to unholster my .44 mag at the same time.
Well, he decided to come after me.
By the time I got my gun up, he was at about the 15ft mark.... Pretty damn fast!
I fired one shot, he stopped in his tracks, turned and ran.
At first I thought I had missed, but was glad he was running away!
Then he fell over about 40yds away from me.
He started trying to get back up, so I started shooting again, emptying my gun.
We called the Game Warden, and waited on him.
By this time, it's dark outside.
He got there, we loaded him into his truck, and we filled out the report.
The bear was a bloody mess, but we went looking for bullet holes, and found 4.
The first shot had hit him dead center in the chest, and came out beside his spine.
The rest were in the legs and sides.
Needless to say, my knees where still knocking by the time the Game Warden left!
It was an evening I'll never forget, that's for sure!
As for getting to keep it, I wanted to, but the GW said he had to take it.
I just didn't want it to go to waste.