I used to brew a lot until we moved up here 6 years ago. Still have all the equipment but when we downsized to move, all the pint bottles - of which I had a couple of hundred, plus a dozen gallon carboys - I gave away. Over the past month though, Mrs B and I have been drinking a particularly nice beer in flip top bottles and I thought: these are far too nice and useful just to put in the recycling bin (no returnable bottle deposit in UK any more), and so I kept them and will keep on drinking more and keeping those until March, when I think I will make a special brew for next Christmas (I kept all my brewing records). It's based on a pale malt with small amounts of crystal and chocolate malt, hopped with Fuggles and Goldings and spiced with liquorice root, coriander seed, black pepper, allspice, ground ginger, caraway seed, and an orange. Comes out at about 5% ABV with two good mashes. Victorian recipe - happy to share it if anyone cares to try it for themselves.