Any good ways to cure/curb PAD?

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Jan 31, 2011
In thirty years time I amassed 180 pipes and 340+ pounds of tobacco. Lost interest in acquiring more of either, threw out 3/4 of the pipes, and now I'm set until I'm the fine white ash.
Am I understanding correctly, that you threw somewhere around 135 pipes in the trash...or is "threw out" not to be taken literally?



Feb 21, 2013
Buying stuff is fun, so you have to deal with that. People obsess on categories. Some women with shoes or jewelry. Men with all kinds of things we collect. The shopping is exciting. The purchases are exhilarating. Ordering by mail adds suspense and drama, as the item arrives, you open it, and you accustom yourself to your acquisition. When the joy becomes obsession, it's time to reboot. Maybe it is an opportunity to find new outlets and activities, not necessarily abandon your pipe and tobacco buying, but just be a better operator of your own impulses. So I'll start with me. Having just received a new MM cob on Thursday.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Am I understanding correctly, that you threw somewhere around 135 pipes in the trash...or is "threw out" not to be taken literally?
That would be correct. Any pipe I've found to be beneath expectation has been thrown away.



Feb 21, 2013
chasing, it is commendable to have sent an unsatisfactory Dunhill to the landfill and not re-sold it for ten times what you paid. Many of them are fine pipes, but the pricing begs for rebellion.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
I can't bring myself to pass a pipe on to someone else when I find it to be an unacceptable smoker.



Enabler in Chief
May 23, 2019
chasing, it is commendable to have sent an unsatisfactory Dunhill to the landfill and not re-sold it for ten times what you paid. Many of them are fine pipes, but the pricing begs for rebellion.
The Dunhills I have smoke well enough, but there are many $80 Savs (and other makes) out there that smoke better. Fortunately all but 1 of mine (a 1928 double patent shell briar) were ebay finds for right around $100. They all pass a pipe cleaner just fine, and it's fun to own a bit of pipe history. I would certainly never throw them away, and would have no problem selling them to someone else who thought they were worth something to them.
Buying a new one at the current prices, would be absolutely out of the question. I get the historical aspect of some of the estate prices, some people are into antique shit, but based on the way those smoke, I would buy 5 low end savinellis before one new dunhill. All of mine pass a pipe cleaner though, I know embers had a different experience with some of his, in which case I would be tempted to launch it as well. Any pipe over $20 should at least pass a damn cleaner.
I have not managed to cure PAD, but starting to get into restoration has curbed it significantly. I find much more joy now in buying an old dr. grabow for $10 that looks like absolute shite and making it look like new again than I ever got from a shiny box from SP in the mail. Way more affordable and way more fun. And if you should so desire, it can make your bank account go in the right direction, rather than nosedive, if you should choose to flip them. Plenty of dirty ass higher end stuff out there to clean up as well.



Feb 1, 2010
Every time you think about buying another pipe, close a sliding glass door on your junk. I haven't tried it but it has to be effective.



Jun 6, 2017
Living over 20 years in my little 900 sf house, space has become a commodity.
I have about 20 pipes in the rotation racks and maybe 30 more I've never smoked in the "strategic reserve" box, half new and half estates. I should be able to reach the finish line without "needing" to buy another pipe.
There are still one or two shapes I'm passively seeking and I pounce on the occasional impulse buy, but now, it's the exception rather than the norm.
Way more focus has been on TAD, although I am feeling well enough stocked there, also. I'm hoping catyrpelius runs out of mystery boxes soon....
My other obsession is military surplus bolt action rifles. It's much easier to find space for a 6 inch, 2 ounce pipe than a 48 inch, 9 pound battle rifle. And they are all priced like Dunhills.
Once I run out of room and can no longer smoke, I'm thinking those flat 1.75 ounce tins will make great 100 yard reactive targets...
This 1944 Turkish Mauser followed me home recently.




Jun 6, 2017
Jesse, I suspect you have too many pipes to properly rotate. If you ever need someone to exercise that last pipe, I'm your man! :puffy:
Paul, a few SVT40's made it into the US before importation was banned. Now, the ones available here are well worn and expensive, $1200 and up.
Since I started my milsurp voyage with Russian Mosin Nagants, I was, at one time, intent on scoring an SVT40. However, the more I learned, the less interest I had. I really do prefer bolt action stuff.
Additionally, most of the Soviet stuff had tons of corrosive ammo fired through them by Bubba without proper cleaning, so rust is an issue. With a bolt gun, you can scrub it up and usually still get good service. However, once the more complex operating system of a semiautomatic is pitted with rust, it begins to have cycling issues, with too little or too much pressure. Bad pistons and blocked or enlarged gas ports. It really becomes a chore to keep them operating well and spare parts are scarce and expensive here.
Our Canadian neighbors, however, had no import ban and the SVT is plentiful and much less expensive up there. The Canadian price is finally rising, $6-700 if you're lucky, but just a few years ago, one could still be had up there for $400. That's why I have less compassion when I hear them complaining about their tobacco prices... :nana:
I did have a Romanian PSL for a while, but never fired it for the same reasons. Mine was like new but I would either have to feed it corrosive ammo and scrub the bejeezus out of it after each use or buy costly modern production ammo to avoid the rust monster. It had doubled in value just about the time I needed cash, so away it went.
Additionally, when the Great Nanny comes for all of our tobacco and firearms, they will be less interested in my bolt action "antiques" than all of the modern semi-auto stuff.
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Might Stick Around
Jun 27, 2019
Jesse - What a marvellous collection of Barlings - thank you for sharing photos of some of the pipes in your collection. Wow is all I can say
Truly there are as many rationales for collecting as there are collectors. As for PAD, I lean toward Wilde's observation "The only way to resist a temptation is to yield to it" - I'm struggling manfully with a temporary glut of estates on my bench that I so enjoy cleaning, repairing and restoring to smoking shape. The pile is daunting, but damn, I'm beavering away on it. My targets are modest - all props and thumbs-up to those well-heeled fellows who support the efforts of the incredible artisans who create work-of-art pipes.
Treat your hobbies well, your hobbies will treat you well right back. Besides, my dear wife likes this activity of mine - she likes the smell of pipe tobacco and its handy for her to know where I'm at - better I'm home at work on the pipe bench rather than her worrying about which low dive blues bar I'm creepin' around in :mrgreen:

Jul 28, 2016
@JayTexan969, Thank You for these valuable pieces of information, always learing something, SVT's 38 and 40 are going here like 50--700$ depending on the condition,

@SableBrush, Jesse,those are truly beautiful,rare and collectible pipes,Thanks for sharing.

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