Jesse, I suspect you have too many pipes to properly rotate. If you ever need someone to exercise that last pipe, I'm your man! :

Paul, a few SVT40's made it into the US before importation was banned. Now, the ones available here are well worn and expensive, $1200 and up.
Since I started my milsurp voyage with Russian Mosin Nagants, I was, at one time, intent on scoring an SVT40. However, the more I learned, the less interest I had. I really do prefer bolt action stuff.
Additionally, most of the Soviet stuff had tons of corrosive ammo fired through them by Bubba without proper cleaning, so rust is an issue. With a bolt gun, you can scrub it up and usually still get good service. However, once the more complex operating system of a semiautomatic is pitted with rust, it begins to have cycling issues, with too little or too much pressure. Bad pistons and blocked or enlarged gas ports. It really becomes a chore to keep them operating well and spare parts are scarce and expensive here.
Our Canadian neighbors, however, had no import ban and the SVT is plentiful and much less expensive up there. The Canadian price is finally rising, $6-700 if you're lucky, but just a few years ago, one could still be had up there for $400. That's why I have less compassion when I hear them complaining about their tobacco prices... :nana:
I did have a Romanian PSL for a while, but never fired it for the same reasons. Mine was like new but I would either have to feed it corrosive ammo and scrub the bejeezus out of it after each use or buy costly modern production ammo to avoid the rust monster. It had doubled in value just about the time I needed cash, so away it went.
Additionally, when the Great Nanny comes for all of our tobacco and firearms, they will be less interested in my bolt action "antiques" than all of the modern semi-auto stuff.