Is this method more effective than the salt and alcohol treatment?One of the all time great pipe refurbishers (Jim Benjamin, now deceased), always reamed back the bowl to almost bare wood, and then would soak it for about 20-minutes in 190 proof EverClear. He advised using an eye dropper to fill the bowl with the EverClear and let it sit at an angle in a bowl of dry rice. Once the 20-minutes was up, he'd drain the bowl through the shank and stem and run pipe cleaners through the shank and stem until they came back almost dry. Then he'd take paper towels and twist them down into the bowl until they came back as clean as they went in. After sitting for 24 hours, he'd proclaim the pipe ready to smoke. He did that for me on many occasions and I couldn't taste anything but the tobacco I was smoking. I've done that trick regularly since then and never had an issue. Well, except that one time I tried to get Mixture 79's scent out of the bowl of a pipe I had just purchased.
One of the all time great pipe refurbishers (Jim Benjamin, now deceased), always reamed back the bowl to almost bare wood, and then would soak it for about 20-minutes in 190 proof EverClear. He advised using an eye dropper to fill the bowl with the EverClear and let it sit at an angle in a bowl of dry rice. Once the 20-minutes was up, he'd drain the bowl through the shank and stem and run pipe cleaners through the shank and stem until they came back almost dry. Then he'd take paper towels and twist them down into the bowl until they came back as clean as they went in. After sitting for 24 hours, he'd proclaim the pipe ready to smoke. He did that for me on many occasions and I couldn't taste anything but the tobacco I was smoking. I've done that trick regularly since then and never had an issue. Well, except that one time I tried to get Mixture 79's scent out of the bowl of a pipe I had just purchased.
fill the bowl with the EverClear and let it sit at an angle in a bowl of dry rice. Once the 20-minutes was up, he'd drain the bowl through the shank and stem and run pipe cleaners through the shank and stem until they came back almost dry. Then he'd take paper towels and twist them down into the bowl until they came back as clean as they went in. After sitting for 24 hours, he'd proclaim the pipe ready to smoke.
Coffee ground? Been seeing this method recently on the forum.What do you do with It? Let the coffee ground stay there for a day and then clean it with everclear? Does the first smoke after taste like coffee or something?The on;y thing I use to clean out the inside of my bowl are BJ Long Fluffy pipe cleaners that I double over and run around the inside of the bowl, which loosens the ash and removes dead tobacco. I never use alcohol or every c;ear unless I am trying to do a deep clean. I will also use moist coffee grounds before I will use alcohol or ever clear. I find that latter to be too astringent.
I have been cleaning the inside of my bowls for over 20 years and my method has worked just fine, for all these years,