Any Fans of Mac Baren 7 Seas Blends?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 21, 2013
Hey all,
As a new pipe smoker, I am still on the hunt for my daily "go to" blend. So far, it's essentially Carter Hall, but I would like to move beyond only smoking an OTC blend (not that there is anything wrong with that, as I am doing just that as I type this).
I have recently discovered that Mac Baren 7 Seas blends are also available in bulk, and at a great rate. In fact, buying them in bulk is actually lower cost than my beloved CH. 8)
Having said that, I am very curious about these blends, and wonder if any of you have tried any of them. If so, what ones have you tried, and what are your thoughts?
Any input would be appreciated. :)



Aug 3, 2010
I have tried 7 seas black and love it. Have't tried the others yet. I do have some tins stored up. but have not popped them open yet.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 1, 2011
Yep! Black is my favorite with Regular and Royal tied for 2nd place. Didn't care too much for Gold or Red though.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 6, 2013
Just can't convince myself -- I want to like it - smells great in the tin, but doesn't seem to carry through in the smoke. Maybe there's just too many flavourings here to produce a distinctive smoking experience (talking about the Royal Blend here).



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 21, 2013
Thanks for the input guys.
I am hoping to like some of these blends, as the price is certainly right, and I am a cheapskate! :wink:
I have some 7 Seas original (some refer to this as White) that will be coming to me from a trade I made, so I will have an opportunity to sample some soon. It's tempting to order up a tin of all the various flavors and give them a shot, however, I know it will be wiser to get some opinions on them, and wait until I have tried at least one of them.



Jul 13, 2010
I didn't like the Black, Gold was fair-to-middling, Royal is really good, and Red is a really decent cherry.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 22, 2013
I smoke regular and royal as my everyday smokes. very nice smokes for sure!!



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 29, 2011
I love the Royal and Gold. I disagree that the flavor does not carry through though. If smoked properly, these blends taste exactly how the smell. Very good quality aromatics IMO.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 21, 2013
Thank you for your input everyone.
As it just so happens, I was fortunate enough to try two different Mac Barens blends tonight, at the DM Pipe Club meeting. However, they weren't the 7 Seas blends.
I did get to try Golden Extra, and Virginia No. 1.
Golden extra tastes pretty darn good IMO. The tin note smells very strong of booze IMO, and that did come out while smoking it as well. This is a virginia and burley blend, and reminded me of Prince Albert + a shot of whiskey, if that makes sense. The guy who brought this also gave me a sample to take home, so I will be enjoying it, and letting my opinion fully form over the week.
I was also lucky enough to try Virginia No.1. WOW! Up to this point, I have not liked any blend more than good old CH, however when I took my first puff of this, I was greeted by the absolute best tobacco flavor I have had yet! I instantly exclaimed "This is like Carter Hall times ten!" Everyone just laughed and said "It's that virginia".
Without a doubt, I will be ordering a full tin of this as soon as I can. If after that, I still have the same enthusiasm for it, I plan to buy a pound of it. It really is that good IMO.
So, while I wasn't able to sample any of the 7 Seas tonight, I do feel that Mac Baren tobaccos certainly agree with my taste buds...and my wallet. :wink:

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
I enjoy them all. I stocked up big time on the Regular. The Red Blend is my favorite cherry blend. If I'm not smoking 1Q I'm usually smoking a 7 Seas blend. Great price and a good top dressing on a quality leaf.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 21, 2013
Good to know guys, and I really appreciate your input on these blends. After the absolutely great experience with the Virginia No. 1, I am really looking forward to trying these.
I think with aeromatic blends, you have (sort of) two pre-determined "camps". Those who like aeros in general, and those who consider them all of "goopy PG mess". For myself, I have only tried ultra low cost OTC aeros, so I my opinion on them has not yet fully solidified.
To be 100% honest, even the Super Value aeros I have tried are OK after some dry time. If I sip them slowly, and with small puffs, their flavor comes through, although not with the strength I had assumed it would. Not "bad" per se, but not necessarily something I would recommend to a first time pipe smoker either (for them I would recommend Carter Hall). I hope that makes sense. :wink:
Having said that, I think (hope) the 7 seas will be good aeromatics. If nothing more, they will be a step or two above the Super Value brand (and like I said, even those are "OK" IMO), and give me an idea of what a better aero should be like. 8)



Can't Leave
Jan 10, 2012
I tried the Gold and liked it. I have many of the 7 Seas mixtures, but haven't opened the tins yet.

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