Active cyclist. I rode 1500 miles last year (hampered by a move from MD to LA). I had easy access to the C&O Canal towpath up in MD and hundreds of miles of decent rural roads. Down here, the roads are scary, no shoulder, big ditches. I ride the Tammany Trace (old railroad line). It's paved, so I use road bike tires on my gravel bike. I'm hoping to explore some roads a little further out with some cycle groups in the Spring.
Annually, I ride my age in years on my birthday, started when I was 60. Below from this past August, on the Canal at 63. Temps were in the mid-90's, so I carried a lot to drink.
When the weather is bad, I ride indoors on my Zwift Hub trainer. It's a game, like the 1st person shooter games but cycling. I can compete with others, or ride by myself or with my brother who lives in PA. Back in MD, I had to use this all winter long. Down here, only on rainy days. This was in my basement in MD, now in the garage.
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