Another Ode To Paul's Pipe Shop in Flint

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Sep 14, 2011
Some of you may recall my thread about a Kaywoodie bulldog that I was unable to get apart. I mentioned that if the freezer method did not work, I would take it to Paul's.
Today I finally did so. I also took a Sasieni 4 dot Liverpool that I had purchased, just to check out Sasieni, that I had cleverly bitten a chunk out of. (It wasn't a very expensive one, but I was heartsick,nonetheless.)
Went in, talked to Dan. He took them into the back. Brought out the Kaywoodie, first, and gave me some tips on cleaning the condenser. Was a bit longer, of course, for the Sasieni, but he fixed it up nicely. Minus the 4 dots, of course, but oh well,
In the meantime, I was browsing around. Among other things, I saw 3 7 oz canisters of Lincoln Cavendish.I had never heard of this, and, after looking at the tag - $25.50 - I decided to give one a whirl. The fact these canisters look to be older than dirt was also a factor. Dan popped it to see if it had dried out, It hadn't.
Total time - about 30-35 minutes. Total cost of two repaired pipes and tobacco, before taxes = $50.50.
When I arrived home, I found a review of Lincoln Cavendish on TR, including one by Jiminks. The one reviewed is popular in Germany, made by STG, and was downgraded by Jim because of a tendency to bite.
I tried a bowl in a little meer dublin. No biting at all, Any added top note was very faint. Here's some pics - gotta wonder how old it is - Dan joked that it is probably older than he is. (Everyone knows that Paul would never buy a dozen if he could get a good deal on a gross.)
Gotta love Paul's.
Lincoln cavendish 1.jpgLincoln cavendish 2.jpgLincoln cavendish 3.jpgLincoln cavendish 4.jpgLincoln cavendish 5.jpg


Feb 21, 2013
Flint has had such a hard life with its contaminated water situation, it is encouraging to hear that it still has a good pipe shop with a pipe-wise proprietor. I'll try to think about that when I hear about the city's other problems.