Okay so I'm new to the forums and I read the rules and there was something about having 50 posts in order to trade so here's #1 and counting. To me pipe smoking has always seemed to be reserved for the more mature smoker and it has. It also has always had that tint of class and gentlemen-ness to it. And i was one day scrounging around my house looking for something to use as a tamper (seeing i lost my old one). I know everyone alawys says they use a nail and whatnot as a tamper but i was looking for something that would combine the classy look and gentleman look to the tamper like they combine in pipe smoking. And it occured to me that the game of chess is a very mature sport/game and the pieces work well. And if you think about it the possibilities are endles because they have: wodden, glass, marble, metal or a combination of all. So here's my chess pieces that I use as tampers. Good idea?