After reading through the other thread on the $16,000 pipe, I must say that when I stated that it was a delusional price, I was wrong. IN MY OPINION, I think it's extreme but at the same time, I can understand. I also collect comic books (insert nerd joke here) and I have a few that are easily worth between $2,000 and $7,000 and they're just ink and paper. While I do love this hobby or habit or whatever label pipe smoking receives depending on the level it is partaken at, I am not a serious collector of pipes. Yes, I have more than a few "high-grade" pipes, those pipes were purchased to smoke and possibly pass down if someone in my family takes an interest in them after I'm gone, and nothing more. There are several people who would and have remarked on my sanity for spending the amounts of money that I have on comic books, but the majority of the books I own have increased in value since I purchased them. The same goes for pipes just like it goes for anything else that has a collectability factor. Simply put, to each their own, or one mans comic book is anothers pipe.