Maybe it turns blue?So, does tobacco turn darker as it ages because it's asphixiating? ?
I pack mine as tight as possible in a jar, primarily because I want to use as small a jar a possible for storage reasons. The rule of thumb I use, which I think I've read on this forum, is to fit one ounce of ribbon cut into a jar that fits 4 fl oz. I split up my bulk orders into half pint (8 fl oz) or or pint jars. I really cram it in there like I'm making a cake. But as I smoke the tobacco in the jar, it is of course exposed to O2. I've transferred some tobacco from pint to half pint jars as I smoke them down.When storing tobacco in Mason jars should it be packed in tightly or just filled loosely?
Obviously you get more in a jar if you compress the hell out of it. But on the flip side, it can be hard getting it back out when it comes time to smoke, months or years later. I've noticed ribbon cuts sometimes break up into small confetti-like particles when overpacked. For me, that's reason enough to try to avoid forcing too much into a jar.
I’m not as seasoned of a pipe smoker as some of y’all, as I stated in late 2007
be told, it depends on how much tobacco I'm putting in and how many jars I have. In other words. do I need to pack it in or can I leave it looser with the jars I have? Honestly,I have jars packed both ways that are ten or more years aged. Both are very, very tasty.
Mike S.
I packed most of mine very tight out of necessity. 200 plus pounds = lots of mason jars and lots of space taken up.
Once aged ten years or so, it deteriorates to shitdust once open if I don’t smoke it within a few weeks.