At one time, asking someone for a cigarette wasn't a big deal. They were cheap and one didn't think anything about giving a stranger one out of your pack.
In this age of expensive tobacco, asking someone for a cigarette borders on rudeness. Let's face it, they cost a lot of money, especially in some states like California, Wisconsin, and New York.
Also in this age of expensive tobacco the "smoke panhandler" is on the rise (usually using the trying to quit excuse). People don't want to spend their money for expensive cigarettes but seem to have no problem at all with smoking other people's expensive cigarettes.
As a trucker I see far more than my share of panhandlers of all varieties, including the cigarette ones. That is where my pipes come in handy. Just today I was walking across a truck stop parking lot, with pipe clenched and smoking, to grab a bite to eat when a rather disreputable looking fellow approached me and asked if I had a spare cigarette.
I removed my pipe from my mouth, looked down at it and then at him, and said "No, but if you go get your pipe I would be glad to fill your bowl for you".
The fellow looked confused for a moment (no surprise to me as he was asking a guy who was obviously smoking a pipe for a cigarette)and then said "I ain't got no pipe".
I told him "Sucks to be you then, go buy one and come back to see me" and walked on to get my meal.
I don't know too many pipe smokers who wouldn't gladly offer to share a bit of their favorite blend with a fellow pipe smoker, but I can't even imagine a pipe smoker actually trying to bum tobacco from another pipe smoker.
I guess that is just one more advantage of smoking a pipe. Most people, even most smokers, don't smoke pipes so we don't have to deal with people trying to dip into our pockets to bum expensive tobacco from us.
In this age of expensive tobacco, asking someone for a cigarette borders on rudeness. Let's face it, they cost a lot of money, especially in some states like California, Wisconsin, and New York.
Also in this age of expensive tobacco the "smoke panhandler" is on the rise (usually using the trying to quit excuse). People don't want to spend their money for expensive cigarettes but seem to have no problem at all with smoking other people's expensive cigarettes.
As a trucker I see far more than my share of panhandlers of all varieties, including the cigarette ones. That is where my pipes come in handy. Just today I was walking across a truck stop parking lot, with pipe clenched and smoking, to grab a bite to eat when a rather disreputable looking fellow approached me and asked if I had a spare cigarette.
I removed my pipe from my mouth, looked down at it and then at him, and said "No, but if you go get your pipe I would be glad to fill your bowl for you".
The fellow looked confused for a moment (no surprise to me as he was asking a guy who was obviously smoking a pipe for a cigarette)and then said "I ain't got no pipe".
I told him "Sucks to be you then, go buy one and come back to see me" and walked on to get my meal.
I don't know too many pipe smokers who wouldn't gladly offer to share a bit of their favorite blend with a fellow pipe smoker, but I can't even imagine a pipe smoker actually trying to bum tobacco from another pipe smoker.
I guess that is just one more advantage of smoking a pipe. Most people, even most smokers, don't smoke pipes so we don't have to deal with people trying to dip into our pockets to bum expensive tobacco from us.