This is another one of those news stories that made me look at my calendar to check it wasn't April 1st.
I genuinely didn't know animal fats were used for this purpose.
I do wonder if this might have religious as well as ethical implications. Would we see printed on boarding passes "This Jet May Be Fuelled By Animal Products" as we see on food items "This Product Might Contain Nuts"?
I wonder if the exhaust has a crispy bacon whiff to it
I genuinely didn't know animal fats were used for this purpose.
How many dead pigs do you need to fuel an airplane?
"According to Transport & Environment, a flight from Paris to New York would need fat from 8,800 dead pigs if all the fuel came from animal sources".
Using pig fat as green jet fuel will hurt planet, experts warn
Animal by-products being used for aviation fuel could increase demand for palm oil, experts fear.
I do wonder if this might have religious as well as ethical implications. Would we see printed on boarding passes "This Jet May Be Fuelled By Animal Products" as we see on food items "This Product Might Contain Nuts"?
I wonder if the exhaust has a crispy bacon whiff to it