Pipe making existed before there was a forum. Overgeneralization? They come over here and stir up the mook. At least they did in that thread. I just don't want to hear their banter. Someone wants to tell me what makes a better pipe... Well, I just walk away... Or throw pies at the swine. We are the buyers. Do you think I am going to have a salesman rattle on and on about why I should buy their new fangled coffee maker, or widget, or whatknot over what I know to be true? Nah. Am I old and set in my ways? Sure. Am I am asshole, probably, just don't try to rape me. Ha ha.
This is why I don't bend over to pick up the soap at pipe shows. :
If it weren't for poor form, I'd have no form at all. Everyone is welcome to go to that site all they want. Anyone can say whatever about how a pipe out performs another. Sure. Why can I just not like that site? This is the second time I two weeks someone has accused me of poor form for not liking that site. I don't like bowling either, someone want to call me out as an asshole for that, ha ha.
I'm old, and I am not gonna change dammit! :