Though our tobaccos end up different some of the sources start out the same when fields dry up that’s it. For instance 60% in some parts 80% of Malawi’s income is Tobacco and the WHO is trying to convince the Government who will in turn convince the farmers to switch crops to food because tobacco is on its way out…Things start slow but speed up real quick. I Love me some Malawi Dark Fired and so does Samuel Gawith / Hoggarth , so (sh) it’s getting real …From the article:
"Labour could take similar measures if they get to form a government, with the aim of stamping out a dirty habit that costs the NHS billions each year."
They always mention the cost to the NHS but they aren't as keen on mentioning the billions raised in taxes on cigarettes. The ciggies I buy are over £14 for 20. A very large portion of that is taxes.
Hopefully these "won't somebody please think of the children" fuckwits won't bring in something similar for pipe tobacco. Trouble is, pipe tobacco often gets lumped in with cigarettes when it comes to legislation. Over here it does, anyway.