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May 7, 2022
From the article:
"Labour could take similar measures if they get to form a government, with the aim of stamping out a dirty habit that costs the NHS billions each year."

They always mention the cost to the NHS but they aren't as keen on mentioning the billions raised in taxes on cigarettes. The ciggies I buy are over £14 for 20. A very large portion of that is taxes.

Hopefully these "won't somebody please think of the children" fuckwits won't bring in something similar for pipe tobacco. Trouble is, pipe tobacco often gets lumped in with cigarettes when it comes to legislation. Over here it does, anyway.
Though our tobaccos end up different some of the sources start out the same when fields dry up that’s it. For instance 60% in some parts 80% of Malawi’s income is Tobacco and the WHO is trying to convince the Government who will in turn convince the farmers to switch crops to food because tobacco is on its way out…Things start slow but speed up real quick. I Love me some Malawi Dark Fired and so does Samuel Gawith / Hoggarth , so (sh) it’s getting real …


May 7, 2022
Intelligence factors in for sure, but I know a lot of otherwise intelligent people who are useful idiots. They are slaves to their ideology and abandon all logic and reason when it conflicts with their ideology and feelings. Instead, they will use their intellectual abilities to do mental gymnastics to rationalize away logic and reason.
Cognitive Dissonance/Ideological Bias , Soaking in Inescapable Media Programming. Repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth no matter how absurd…


May 7, 2022
Nah that's why we have children in 3rd world countries!
That will be our children‘s children the way things are going. As I said in another post “ You will Eat Z Bugz” adding to this “ You will own Nothing and be Happy” The snowball effect of what’s coming started slow but it is indeed relentless…


Dec 22, 2013
New York
A very famous British politician in the UK back in the 1930s once pointed out that 'True freedom will only come about with an end to the party game'. How right he has proven to be. If voting changed anything they would have outlawed it years ago my friends. The world is going non-binary, LGBTQXYZ and the only good news is that with all the people volunteering for wedding tackle/bean removal they will not be procreating!
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Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 28, 2022
You never can tell with politicians. This could be one time when they will say "Enough is Enough. We need the money that the tax on smokes brings." Then again, maybe not.
Its the game. Tax something out of existence then move to the next "big" thing. Big tobacco, big oil I wonder what they will target next? It wont be big government thats a promise.