I wanted to apologize for my part in the discussion yesterday on private member information. I over reacted to a subject that is very sensitive topic to me. A few years ago I ended up in a visitation battle for time to see my little girl. Her mother took information, information about my from the internet (facebook,other forums, etc) I never even gave a second thought to, and her and her lawyer painted me in the worst possible light by twisting the information anyway they could. That act changed me and how I see information about myself on the internet. I became more guarded and more fearful and in turn more hostile in regarding to my personal information.
I enjoy this forum and I have "met" some really great people. People with the same interest and passion that I share as well. I would like to continue being a member of this forum and will try not to drag personal insecurities and knee jerk reactions into here again.
I want to apologize especially to rmbittner. My reaction yesterday was over reactive and under thought out and my criticism of you was unwarranted.
I enjoy this forum and I have "met" some really great people. People with the same interest and passion that I share as well. I would like to continue being a member of this forum and will try not to drag personal insecurities and knee jerk reactions into here again.
I want to apologize especially to rmbittner. My reaction yesterday was over reactive and under thought out and my criticism of you was unwarranted.