An Alternative Technique to Avoid Tongue Bite

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Sep 17, 2023
Im gonna have some in a couple of days. I will compare it to my filter pipes. I can definitely taste a difference with vapers between filtered and unfiltered.
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Professor Moriarty

Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 13, 2023
United States
Would you say that this charcoal, etc. method is equally as effective as the filters?
As described in my intro to this thread, I have found charcoal pieces in the bottom third of the bowl to be as effective as a 9mm charcoal filter with codger blends. I have yet to test with Virginia forward blends.
I have no intention of testing with goopy aromatics as I avoid those blends.
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Sep 17, 2023
I dont get tongue bite. I simiply like the taste of most tobaccos better with a 9mm. The separation and clarity of flavors really comes about with a lot of blends. Latakia blends are pretty similiar in filtered and non filtered.
With vapers which I like a lot, a slight muddiness is removed with a filter. Its not a bad taste that is removed, just one that when gone allows the other flavors to really shine.

Meer chips dont change the taste in non filtered pipes. It would be really cool if this behaves like an acitivated carbon filter. Ive a number of pipes I really like that are non filtered.
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Sep 17, 2023
Ok filter lovers (and haters). Amazon is bringing my activated charcol this afternoon. First round will be a vaper. I will post my findings. I can pretty much immediately tell if it functions like a 9mm filter. Occasionally, I forget to put in filter with my vapers and Im like..."what the heck is going on."


Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 25, 2023
Ok filter lovers (and haters). Amazon is bringing my activated charcol this afternoon. First round will be a vaper. I will post my findings. I can pretty much immediately tell if it functions like a 9mm filter. Occasionally, I forget to put in filter with my vapers and Im like..."what the heck is going on."
Sigmund taking one for the Team. Go Sigmund:)


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 18, 2023
Western NY
Luckily Ive never really experienced tongue bite. A bit of a tingle, but not the fire like many describe. I also love hot sause and spicy foods, I guess its in my chemistry.
And its a good thing I do not experience tongue absolute favorite tobacco on earth is MacBaren VA#1.......followed by their other honeyish tasting offerings....Symphony, Golden Extra.....
Yes, after many years of pipe smoking and buying all the "have to have" blends, and spending absurd amounts of money with Pipestud and others.....I have settled on MacBaren VA#1 as my favorite.... so sue me! :)

Professor Moriarty

Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 13, 2023
United States
Also, you said you do only 9 mm charcial filters. I too suffer from tongue bite and actually more importantly, I get dry mouth Syndrome from smoking. So I also use 9 mm and 6 mm charcoal filters.
I find the Savinelli 6mm charcoal filters to be as good and effective as the 9 millimeter charcoal filters. The only catch with 6 mm charcoal filters is they're not as easy to reuse and if you have a wet smoke they can clog up a little easier than a 9 mm, but the 6 mm withdraw and performance seems almost equal.

I also find that using Biotene mouth rinse and other dry mouth natural versions that promote saliva help eliminate tongue bite by the next day if you should still get it..
Interesting. Perhaps with age, my saliva production is not what it used to be -- leading to less tolerance for tongue bite. I will give Biotene a try to see if it relieves tongue bite. Thanks for your suggestion.


Starting to Get Obsessed
I smoked unfiltered pipes for many years and accumulated a nice collection of pipes. Tongue bite has always been an issue with which I struggled. Eventually, I researched the topic and decided to switch to 9mm charcoal filtered pipes.
I now smoke filtered pipes exclusively. I can smoke almost any tobacco in any filtered pipe with zero tongue bite.
But what of my collection of unfiltered pipes? Are they no longer of any utility to me?
I experimented filling the bottom of their bowls with silica crystals, but that did not stop tongue bite.
Then I hit upon an idea.

The Experiments
Fill the bottom third of the bowls with charcoal pieces (see photos)


several quality unfiltered briars -- medium size bowls -- well broken-in

Carter Hall -- a typical American codger blend -- mostly burley with a little virginia and a little flavoring -- I let it dry out a bit, but not to crumbling -- I pack it medium (not too loose, not too tight)

Smoking Technique
I smoke slow (pipe does not get hot on the outside) -- I smoke it down to ash -- I sip water now and then

No tongue bite!

I can now enjoy smoking my old unfiltered pipes, albeit only the top two thirds of the bowl.

1. If I smoke Carter Hall in an unfiltered pipe without charcoal, I get tongue bite and require about two days to heal.

2. I still prefer to smoke filtered pipes, all things considered. Filtering is better, and I can enjoy a full pipe.

3. After packing the bowl, I give it a few hard draws, as I usually do. Little bits of charcoal (as opposed to little bits of tobacco) must then be rinsed from my mouth before lighting.

4. Smoking down to ash is no problem. There are no issues with burning charcoal instead of tobacco.

5. I detect no charcoal in the smoke flavor or scent.

6. The draw is particularly good because of the air space under the tobacco.

7. I find a third of a bowl to be the minimum required charcoal.

I will be happy to answer any questions and entertain any suggestions. I hope some may find this information useful.

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View attachment 305712
This is an excellent post . . . . and I'm working on a similar post with the same conclusions for "gurgling." Bravo! and stay tuned :D
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 30, 2023
Central NJ, USA
I've never experienced tongue bite but for whatever reason I cannot distinguish the various flavors and essences that many describe when smoking. The various tin notes are discernible to me but when packed and lit they all pretty much taste the same ? ? ? I've tried filter versus no filter and smoked slow and sipped and p-lip versus fishtail to no avail. Guess I do not have a sophisticated pallet. Similar with wine, scotch or beer I either like the taste or don't but again can't distinguish the subtle differences ?
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Starting to Get Obsessed
I've never experienced tongue bite but for whatever reason I cannot distinguish the various flavors and essences that many describe when smoking. The various tin notes are discernible to me but when packed and lit they all pretty much taste the same ? ? ? I've tried filter versus no filter and smoked slow and sipped and p-lip versus fishtail to no avail. Guess I do not have a sophisticated pallet. Similar with wine, scotch or beer I either like the taste or don't but again can't distinguish the subtle differences ?
Me three. I've spent fortunes on flyrods, reels, shotguns and comptetition airguns. Madness, eh? I also share your lack of pallate. Some days fine, other days I can't taste much difference except for general category. Pretty much always happy with English, but aromatics are hit and miss.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 30, 2023
Central NJ, USA
Me three. I've spent fortunes on flyrods, reels, shotguns and comptetition airguns. Madness, eh? I also share your lack of pallate. Some days fine, other days I can't taste much difference except for general category. Pretty much always happy with English, but aromatics are hit and miss.
I do best with English and Sam's Blend being my favorite overall tobacco. Don't know why I buy others.... looking for the holy grail I suppose.
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