An Adult in the Discussion...

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Might Stick Around
Feb 7, 2012
How many pedantic rants have we heard about smoking, let alone pipe smoking in the past 20 years? I think we've all heard them.
I found this on google news today. It's. Not. Bad! It's actually, to my opinion, reasonably mature about our hobby/passion. It's written by a kinesiologist/physiologist, so it gives some weighted counterpoint to the discussion.
I'm actually not at all upset with his recommendation about smoke in the home/office, either. I don't want the room blue with smoke. I've seen enough of those through the years, I've been in enough of them. I want a light note of the blend remaining behind.
So, without further blathering... something for your reading:
From the Louisville Courier-Journal: The Body Shop | Smoke story: Cigarettes vs. pipes



Might Stick Around
Jan 10, 2012
We all will agree or disagree with any given article or view depending upon what preconceived notions we bring. I agreed with the good things said about pipe smoking, and discarded the rest.



Might Stick Around
Feb 11, 2011
Actually, that article eased some of the concerns I had about what pipe smoking might be doing to me. And since my wife is an reformed cigarette smoker, I'm banished to great outdoors when it's time for a smoke anyway. Besides,back when I worked for a cleaning company I once had to scrub years of accumulated tar and nicotine residue of the walls of a house and, secondhand smoke risk notwithstanding, yuck.



Feb 10, 2012
As a person who switched from cigarettes to pipe I can definitely say that I "Feel" better. Though I really cant imagine that pipe second hand can be any better for you than cigarette second hand smoke.



Might Stick Around
Jan 10, 2012
Hear about the do-goods who visited a village in the jungle? They found that the natives would burn green wood on fires inside their huts at night, causing smoke build-up in the huts all night. The do-goods asked why the natives slept in smoke filled huts, and were told it had always been done that way.
The do-goods told the natives that the smoke was bad for them, and showed the natives that putting a hole in the roof would allow the smoke to escape so they could sleep without the smoke. The natives did so. The do-goods patted each other on the back and left.
A few months later the do-goods came back to the village. The village now had only a few people still there, and they were living in huts with no vent smoke holes. The do-goods They asked what had happened, and were told that with no smoke to keep the night insects away, insects carrying diseases came into the huts, bit the people, and caused them to die. The few natives still alive cursed the do-goods and chased them from the village.
A warning to you natives - Beware of do-goods.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 1, 2012
Good article. Sadly(?) I am an inhaler... probably every 3rd puff or so, less if I am "paying attention."

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