My experience leads me to believe that some of the 300+ chemicals that are added to cigarettes are more addictive than the nicotine.
I think we've been through this, and your stance sounds like those anti smoking Nazis, saying it over and over does not make it true. You are merely misunderstanding what the FDA is saying. 300+ chemicals are NOT being added to tobacco. There are 300+ chemicals other than nicotine in the smoke.
Are you an anti-smoking Nazi come here to perpetuate this nonsense? Because that is what you sound like to me.
From the FDA... "...over 300 other chemicals found in cigarette
smoke, like formaldehyde, acrolein, and acetaldehyde..,"
Cigarette companies are not adding formaldehyde, acrolein, and acetaldehyde to their products. The Anti smoking Nazis
want you to misunderstand this and continue to repost this, because it
helps their cause. Stop helping the Nazis! These things are found in all natural tobacco product smoke. Hell, the byproduct of eating bread turns to all sorts of nasties in your bowls... anti-bread people could say that all sorts of chemicals are produced in you body by eating breads. This does not make bread more dangerous than donuts or pizza crust.
But, these same chemicals are also biproducts of smoking any tobaccos.
There are tons of trace amounts of bad stuff in organic tomatoes, squash, beans... etc... Does that make vegetables bad?
I cannot say why
you are less addicted to pipes, but I know that the reason I have a different type of addiction to pipes is because I don't inhale them. (period)
Taking the smoke into my lungs was killing me and the quickness of the rush of nicotine into my bloodstream was why I had to constantly refuel my nicotine load by smoking more and more. It had nothing to do with the tobacco. However, switching to pipes and not inhaling has made my lungs work better, and I can ride my bike way longer than I used to be able to. I think that I am healthier now. That should be enough of a reason to justify pipes over cigarettes without falling for the propaganda.
It is one thing to have an opinion. And, there it is another thing to be absolutely wrong about facts. I hate big cigarette companies too. Fuck 'em, and I hope they all rot. And, I love pipe tobaccos... just like everyone else here, but perpetuating a lie is not helping anyone. If this is what you are fooling yourself with, fine, but it just muddies the argument to bring it here.