Calling those who inherently oppose demagoguery, dictatorship, or a dubiously 'elected' President 'scum' is a tad over the top.
I live in an area populated by members of Confederate flag waving members of THE KKK and I abhor racism and the concept of eminent domain.
All men are created equal doesn't necessarily appear in 'the Bible', but, love thy neighbor, and thou shalt not kill do.
At the age of 71, I've been around long enough to know that the occupant is a fraud and a failure.
Capitalizing on failure has been his MO for decades and manipulation of 'celebrity' and 'media' and thus opinion, his patently obvious pony trick. Open y'er eyes and reject this out sized and destructive narcissistic 'personality'.
You may close this thread, my fellow pipe smoking moderators without the least bit of complaint from me.
ANYTHING that mentions politics in the pipe forum and gets away with it, deserves rebuttal on every side, thus opens itself to emotional rather than reasonable response.
I remember early on in the run up to Nov.2016, that GOP supporters were such because; 'he says what he thinks'. Well, frankly, what he thinks seems to be limited in scope and sustainable value to me.
I have attempted to keep emotion out of this response. Believe me, I will be happy when we have a NEW Executive Administration of Government in the US from the current self serving and blatantly criminal one we have installed at this time. One size fits all? Free speech? Free?
If you feel secure hiding behind a wall clutching your gun while you await the inevitable, you are not contributing to civilization, you're subsidizing its demise. Think man. In the end, if you don't accept gracefully, you will be fighting your own salvation. Amen. Existence is bigger than you, and yet, your own is your only yardstick. The reality is that there is more to existence than just YOU. Humility, compassion, empathy and reason can be compatible, and should be valued.
Also, let's all share a bowl, a laff, and the moment of our enlightenment.