Who else enjoys this great time of day? Great, along with my TAD & PAD, I now have CAD ;-)
Some of my recent add-ons for the AM cup-o-joe delight;
1-Beko Automatic Turkish Coffee Maker..just an outstanding lil machine
1-Chemex 8-Cup, some of the best coffee I have ever had is from this simple lil device...
The coffee I have been working with and have been having outstanding cups with the AM smoke;
~For the Beko ~ Mehmet Efendi Turkish Coffee
~For the Chemex ~ Arvid Nordquist Classic Coffee Extra Dark Roast
Some of my recent add-ons for the AM cup-o-joe delight;
1-Beko Automatic Turkish Coffee Maker..just an outstanding lil machine
1-Chemex 8-Cup, some of the best coffee I have ever had is from this simple lil device...
The coffee I have been working with and have been having outstanding cups with the AM smoke;
~For the Beko ~ Mehmet Efendi Turkish Coffee
~For the Chemex ~ Arvid Nordquist Classic Coffee Extra Dark Roast