Hello brothers. I hope this finds you all in good health and safe at home. So, here's the deal. I've been smoking pipes for about half a year now so obviously still a noob. I have followed the standard advice to try a little bit of everything to see what I like and I've found that the vast majority of the tobaccos out there torch my mouth something awful. Except for Burley. I love Prince Albert. I love KBV's Burley Morning Coffee. I love Lane Limited Ready Rubbed. I have found that I can enjoy bowl after sublime bowl of any of these burley tobaccos with absolutely no tongue bite whatsoever, but any time I try to mix in anything containing even a minor trace of Virginia my tongue inevitably gets burnt and stays sore for at least a day or two. It almost feels like I'm allergic because I feel the burn as soon as I take the very first puff of smoke on my charring light. I've read that some folks are allergic to certain types of Virginia tobacco but not others but my question is has anybody ever heard of someone being allergic to ALL Virginia tobaccos regardless of type? Would love to know if anyone else has experienced something like this or if I'm just weird. I'm happy that at least I've found a few tobaccos that I can rely on to give me an enjoyable and satisfying smoke but I'm definitely bummed that for the moment at least, so many incredibly popular and beloved tobacco blends are out of reach for me because they're Virginia based. Any insight or light you may be able to shed on this situation would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.