Part of the problem we face as pipesmokers is that most of us by the looks of it don't want our children to do it, however we face legistlation all the time designed to prevent future generations from taking up tobacco... With that kind of stima attatched to it (even within our own group), how are we going to possibley keep our rights as pipesmokers? I don't think we will prevail because of this, and it is a big part of why our numbers are dying out. This is not a troll post or anything ment to hurt someone that believes that way, just a gut feeling and an observation, and this is not a political post.
I would personally want my children (if I had some!) to enjoy everything I enjoy, I do not have any habbits that are so bad that they should not be enjoyed by others (including them in moderation) and I would like to think they would bea ble to enjoy them in moderation... Not wanting them to do something "because they might not be able to control themselves" after all has been stated here several times as a reason to keep children from partaking already by concerned parents and it is exactly the reasoning we are loosing our rights are pipe smokers today (although mostly from non-pipe smokers, as pipe smokers do not generally push nanny policies reguardless of their feelings). This scares me a little.
The only thing I would condone is underage use of such pleasures as we should give our bodies till adulthood to grow without the use of drugs, after which time anyone, not matter how much I care about them, I will encourage to take up the pipe and enjoy alcohol in moderation, if they fail to do so in moderation, the consequences are on them, it is just one of the risks that comes with having freedom. Supporting such freedom for everyone but our children because we don't want them to do it, is almost the same as not supporting it at all in my book. With that said, I will not look down upon hypocrites, just as long as they do not push legislation against the rest of us and they continue to speak out for our freedoms publicly.
My 2 cents, written from the heart
@ Cigarmaster, I could not agree more