So, a short while back I proposed an alternative to Esoterica Tobacciana's Margate, my favorite blend of far. It's typically difficult to come by and the 1st tin I ever bought was my local B&M's last tin. When hit with a roadblock, I love to look at these situations as challenges. I know, I need to get out more... I came up with, what I thought was a good alternative by using a blend of 75% Drucquer & Son's, Ltd. Levant Mixture, and C&D's Izmir Turkish. It is good & I'll use it up eventually, but it's not the same.
My second mix comes close to hitting it right on! It's the same 75% Drucquer & Son's, Ltd. Levant Mixture, but instead of the Izmir, I added 25% C&D's Cyprian Latakia. For me, it's close enough! I love it.
Also, to simulate Margate's and shag cut I run the mix through a single-speed food processor for just a few seconds. I try to get the pieces about half their original ribbon cut size. Might burn a little faster than the ribbon cut, but I don't mind.
I read reviews of Latakia and the "BBQ" flavor is mentioned frequently. I do get that! And, it smells awesome, but what I love is the taste and smell of that old, herbal church incense when it's burning. That's the flavor I was looking for.
My second mix comes close to hitting it right on! It's the same 75% Drucquer & Son's, Ltd. Levant Mixture, but instead of the Izmir, I added 25% C&D's Cyprian Latakia. For me, it's close enough! I love it.
Also, to simulate Margate's and shag cut I run the mix through a single-speed food processor for just a few seconds. I try to get the pieces about half their original ribbon cut size. Might burn a little faster than the ribbon cut, but I don't mind.
I read reviews of Latakia and the "BBQ" flavor is mentioned frequently. I do get that! And, it smells awesome, but what I love is the taste and smell of that old, herbal church incense when it's burning. That's the flavor I was looking for.