Hello all, just wanted to share my quit smoking journey for those who may still be struggling to quit/convert to pipe. Damn it's about the hardest thing I've ever done. And I still am not fully quit, but I'm making progress! Patches, gum, don't work for me. Neither cold turkey, nor just the pipe. So, I decided to roll my own. Not only is it tons cheaper, but minus the roll time it's almost as convenient as a cig which is part of what makes them addictive. It's been 2 weeks now since I've bought a pack (been 10 cigs a day for about 20 years or so). There are 32 papers in a pack, and I went through 1 pack of papers in a week. That's a huge decrease and I'm very happy with this progress. Typically I smoke half a rolled cig, and finish it layer. Also, the craving is not as urgent as a real one so I often just put it off and feel fine. Next, I'm going to try reduce again. Maybe roll 3 for the day and see if I can get down even further. Anyways, thought maybe this technique would help another make some progress that's struggling. Cheers!